SEND at Gladesmore
When a student has been identified as having SEND, the following things will be done to support them:
- In line with the SEN Code of Practice, most of our pupils with SEN have their needs met in class by their subject teacher, through high quality teaching, (Sometimes known as Quality First Teaching). The subject teacher will differentiate their teaching resources to meet the needs of all of the students in their class.
- All staff are provided with a “Student Information Sheet” for all students with an EHC plan and for some students who do not have an EHCP but have significant SEN. This document explains the student’s area of need and provides the teacher with strategies to support the student with their learning.
- Training is given to teachers to support students with a variety of needs and shown how to differentiate their curriculum area.
- Every student with an EHC plan is allocated a Keyworker. This member of staff is a link between home and school.
- Students with an EHC plan will sometimes receive targeted in-class support from a teaching assistant.
- We offer a range of interventions which are reviewed twice a year.
SEND students who have not been identified upon admission to Gladesmore are identified through:
- Expressions of concern by the student, parents, school staff or external agencies
- Monitoring of individual progress through Half-termly School Progress Reports and Statistical Data (e.g. test scores, behaviour patterns, absences)
We work closely with the Educational Psychologist, Autism team, speech and language service, CAMHs and refer students as appropriate.